Dive into the heart of innovation at Georgia Tech. Meet the trailblazers steering the OSPO towards new horizons. From industry veterans to academic luminaries, our leadership and advisory board are committed to fostering an open-source ecosystem that champions collaboration, inclusivity, and cutting-edge solutions.
Join us as we navigate the future of open source, backed by the unparalleled expertise and passion of our team.

Jeffrey Young
Principal Research Scientist, GT-OPSO Director, PI
Partnership for Advanced Computing Environments, Adjunct with School of Computer Science
Dr. Young has been engaged with the scientific software community since 2013 with involvement in Georgia Tech’s Keeneland project, the PIConGPU CAAR effort for Frontier, and Georgia Tech’s HPC student cluster competition team. Young is also the director of Georgia Tech’s novel architecture testbed, the CRNCH Rogues Gallery, and co-director of Center for Scientific Software Engineering.

Fang (Cherry) Liu
Senior Research Scientist, GT-OPSO Associate Director, Co-PI
Dr. Liu has been engaged with the scientific software community since 2003 from her Ph.D. study, where she looked into issues between scientific computing and software engineering. Liu is the Manager of Research Software Engineer at Gatech research computing PACE Center. Liu is also an adjunct faculty in the School of Computational Science and Engineering and former president of Women in HPC chapter at Gatech.
Before joining Gatech, Dr. Liu was an assistant scientist at the Mathematics and Computational Science Division in the Department of Energy (USDOE) Ames Laboratory. Dr. Liu has extensive experience in multidisciplinary research, and her collaborations with domain scientists led to successful scientific workflow and data management systems.

Ronald Rahaman
Research Scientist, GT-OPSO Senior Personal
Ron Rahaman works as a Research Software Engineer, where he designs and deploys the user-facing software stacks on PACE clusters. His long-term projects include the containerization strategies and Open OnDemand deployment at PACE. He strives to provide a software environment that is both fully-performant on advanced hardware and highly-productive for humans.
Prior to PACE, Ron worked for 6 years as a software engineer at Argonne National Laboratory. He was a core contributor to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project, where he helped develop the multi-physics coupling interface for the ExaSMR (Exascale Small Modular Reactor) simulation toolkit. He also taught courses in High-Performance Computing at The University of Chicago’s Masters Program for Computer Science.

Alessandro (Alex) Orso
Professor, SSE Director, PI
Dr. Orso is director of Scientific Software Engineering Center. His research is in software engineering (SE) with an emphasis on the development of techniques targeted at real-world systems. Orso served on the editorial boards of the major SE journals (TOSEM and TSE) and has been program chair or co-chair for the main SE conferences (ICSE and FSE). He has served on the Advisory Board of Reflective Corp, has been a technical consultant to DARPA, and has received funding for his research from both government agencies, such as DARPA, ONR, and NSF, and industry, such as Facebook, Fujitsu Labs, Google, IBM, and Microsoft. Orso is a Distinguished Member of the ACM and an IEEE Fellow.

Susan Wells Parham
Digital Curation Librarian
Susan Wells Parham is the Digital Curation Librarian for the Georgia Tech Library. She holds a Master of Science in Library and Information Science with a Digital Libraries Concentration from the University of Illinois and a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from the University of Virginia. She is responsible for implementing digital library services that support the scholarly communication lifecycle – providing long-term access and preservation for digital scholarship and research. Her research interests include understanding the research practices of scholars; she served as co-PI on the IMLS funded DART Project: using data management plans as a research tool. She has served on the DMPTool Advisory Board, as Associate Editor for Research Data Access & Preservation for the ASIS&T Bulletin, and was a member of the founding Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication Editorial Board. Parham co-manages digital curation initiatives.
OSPO@GT Advisory Board

David Sherrill
Regents’ Professor, IDEaS Associate Director
Dr. David Sherrill is a Regents’ Professor in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the School of Computational Science and Engineering. He is Associate Director of the Institute for Data Engineering and Science (IDEaS). He is an advocate of open-source scientific software and is the lead principal investigator of the Psi4 code for quantum chemistry (https://psicode.org). He has served as chair of the Molecular Sciences Software Institute’s Science and Software Advisory Board, and has led an initiative to welcome software papers to the Journal of Chemical Physics, of which he is an Associate Editor.

Suresh Marru
Principal Research Scientist
Suresh is a Nominated Member of the Popular Open Source Governance Body, the Apache Software Foundation. He is also the vice president of the Apache Airavata project. Suresh is a Principal Research Scientist in Georgia Tech’s Institute of Data Engineering and Science (IDEaS) and is the Principal Investigator of the Cybershuttle project, where he is spearheading the creation of a seamless, secure, and highly usable scientific research continuum platform that integrates all of a scientist’s research tools and data, which may be on the scientist’s laptop, a computing cloud, or a university supercomputer.

Eric Sembrat
Director of Digital Learning Technologies
Dr. Sembrat leads software development at Georgia Tech’s Center for 21st Century Universities. His team is charged with the strategy, design, and development of educational technology software innovations. Their work partners with internal and external collaborators, such as the Digital Credentials Consortium. Eric co-leads Georgia Tech’s Educational Technology Steering Committee. Eric is a board member for HighEdWeb.